LaVerne Norman is the Director/President/Founder of JoyBell Ministries Inc., DBA Kingdom Exchange Zone
Key Scriptures:
Nehemiah 8:10 Nehemiah said, “Go and enjoy choice food and sweet drinks, and send some to those who have nothing prepared. This day is holy to our Lord. Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”
1 John 5:20 NIV
We know also that the Son of God has come and has given us understanding, so that we may know him who is true. And we are in him who is true -even in his Son Jesus Christ. He is the true God and eternal life.
I am LaVerne Norman and the Lord graced me with the vision for JoyBell Ministries in 2002. It’s a ministry beyond church doors because I saw the necessity to unite ladies and gents from all walks of life regardless of church affiliation. It’s for both Believers and unbelievers. How else can we reach those who haven’t made Christ the Lord of their lives if we won’t connect with them?
Evangelism is Key and as doors open, we’ll continue to minister at Battered Women’s Shelters, Homeless Shelters, Nursing Homes, Women’s Homes, along with partnering with various organizations. The Council is currently seeking organizations that we can partner with to advance the glorious Gospel of Christ. Through it all, we desire that God be glorified. The Pastor of Jesus Is Lord ~ Assembly of Love church, Bishop Steven Norman, covers this ministry in prayer. I am blessed to have a prayerful, God-sent husband who is supportive. I enjoy doing the same for him and we often tag-team to bring God greater glory!
Most women and men thoroughly enjoy and receive from any JoyBell Ministry Event. We started off with only face to face conferences but during the pandemic, God expanded our Ministry to become 501C3 and added Kingdom Exchange Zone. This is a platform that can encompass many places and spaces to include virtual. Since then we’ve had several successful online events and God continues to move in our midst and people are edified from His Word and the ministry that goes forth.
I am extremely grateful for the JoyBell Council and serving on the Council, Min. Angela Jackson is the coordinator. The Council consists of amazing, anointed women who love Jesus and desire that His creation walk and live in faith and freedom. We have learned to really bring unity to our Council community. Over the years, one of the desires of my heart was/is to see women live and serve the Lord in harmoniously. JoyBell Ministries stands firm because God is not getting glory when we are not getting along. We are authentic and we serve from a motive of agape and excellence. Although we’re not perfect, we’re progressing into greatness through Christ Jesus. If you desire to grow with a God-inspired ministry team, you love the Lord and His creation, and you wish to do His work and be in the will of God, please connect with me. jbmblessings@gmail.com or 540.520.8500.
Overall JoyBell Ministries brings together the body of Christ and we honor God thru receiving, serving and giving. The God-given formats are to ensure that He is first and foremost and all else secondary. No one is to feel alone or left out at any JoyBell event or time of service. It is our desire for men and women to surrender their lives to Christ or recommit their lives to Christ. Everyone should leave anything we do, through the strength of Christ, built up knowing that abundant and eternal life is within reach because of the Holy Spirit. 1 Corinthians 3:7 So then neither he who plants is anything, nor he who waters, but God who gives the increase.