Youth Development Ministry

Jesus Is Lord ~ Assembly of Love
The Ministry of Youth Development
Minister Tonya Norman

Vision – To Save the Lost and Transform the Saved!

Mission – Under the leading of the Holy Spirit, we seek to bring our youth into the family of God where they can have age appropriate Christian education providing them with a personal experience with our Lord. Graduates of Children’s Church go on to assume ministry roles.

Proverbs 22:6: Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is older, he will not depart from it.

There is a place for every child at Jesus Is Lord ~ Assembly of Love.   An important component of Family Ministry at Jesus Is Lord is our Youth Development, which evolved from our Sunday School. As we began to see more children in the morning service than in our 9:30 Sunday School, we saw a need to change, and we did.  

Youth Development is currently held on the second and fourth Sundays during the morning service. 

Our staff is comprised of members who have received intensive orientation and background screenings and who have a minimum of one year membership with the appropriate background checks. All teachers are committed to praying for and executing the Vision of the children’s church ministry.

This ministry provides spiritual guidance using the Bible to help children build a lifelong relationship with God. Anyone who loves children is encouraged to volunteer as a teacher. Parents who use the ministry should give back by serving in the teacher-assistant rotation.

Our ministry exists to bring children into age-appropriate WORSHIP where they can BELONG to the family of God, GROW in their relationship with Christ, learn to SERVE and then go SHARE Christ in the world!